Totul a început pe 9 octombrie. Atunci am trimis către un link al unui material video al campaniei „Piste pentru biciclete în Bucureşti?”.
Ce a urmat, vedeţi mai jos:
Bucharest Needs Help
We recieved a cry for help in the Copenhagenize inbox today. Marian, from Bucharest, wrote simply, „Help us!”
And then included a link to this fantastic video filmed in the city. A review of the „completed” cycle tracks in the Romanian capital. Ish. Brilliant stuff from
Crappy bicycle infrastructure made by traffic planners who don’t know the first thing about Best Practice, who don’t ride bicycles for transport and who only look forward to the day when they can upgrade their automobile to a newer model is something that is well documented on the internet. What is happening in Bucharest, however, boggles the mind.
Pistelor de biciclete din Bucureşti li s-a dus vestea în Copenhaga!
Filmuleţul despre radiografia celor zece piste ‘definitivate’ şi destinate circulaţiei bicicletelor în Bucureşti, a ajuns pe prestigiosul site de bike-culture danez
Mesajul principal pe care îl retransmit iubitorii culturii pe două roţi din Copenhaga, în urma vizionării imaginilor din capitala românească, este ”S.O.S Bucharest!” a sprijinit campania OPTAR si inainte de 9 octombrie:
Ce vrei să știi despre pistele de biciclete din București ?
Câteva răspunsuri bine documentate și prezentate le oferă în urma statisticii problemelor sesizate la pistele de biciclete din București.
Pentru o vedere de ansamblu, se iau la pedalat și pistele de biciclete recent marcate în orașul Sibiu și se compară cu pistele capitalei.
Rezultatele le puteți urmări în clipurile de mai jos, iar feed-back-ul este așteptat cu interes pe pagina de Facebook sau în comentariile acestei însemnări.
Rowerowy Bukareszt? Chyba jednak jeszcze nie
Jako cyklista, który odwiedził już kilka państw, znam teorię rowerowo-geograficzną. Głosi ona, że im dalej na wschód od Odry, tym infrastruktura rowerowa jest gorszej jakości i bardziej utrudnia jazdę rowerem.
Dziś prezentujemy filmik z Bukaresztu. Można na nim zobaczyć obrazki, które być może niektórzy z nas pamiętają z naszych miast z początku lat 90-tych. Wtedy i u nas drogi rowerowe malowało się pędzlem zamiast budować, a „ułatwienia” rowerowe były głównie powodem narzekań i konfliktów, a nie realną pomocą w poruszaniu się jednośladem po mieście.
Oglądając ten filmik możemy się cieszyć, że etap podobnych bubli mamy już szczęśliwie za sobą, a infrastruktura rowerowa w naszym kraju potrafi nas czasem bardzo mile zaskoczyć. Jak będzie za kilka lat? Aby to zobaczyć, trzeba porzucić Bukareszt i spojrzeć na zachodni brzeg Odry. O ile teoria rowerowo-geograficzna jest prawdziwa.
Bike Infrastructure in Bucharest…
…or lack thereof, as this video shows, makes cycling in Bucharest, Romania, almost ridiculous. Bike lanes that are interrupted and blocked by bus stations? Yep. Bike lanes that take you down a flight of stairs if you maintain the course? Yep. Bike lanes that look and essentially function like sidewalks? Yep, Bucharest has it all. This film takes you on a tour of the entirety of the completed bike lanes in Bucharest, and as you can see, the bike infrastructure does not appear to even care about the transportation group for whom it is intended. However, you can check out the website Optar to learn more about cycling improvements in Bucharest (it is in Romanian, but Google translate did the trick for me).
Bucharest Needs Help
Cycle lanes in Bucharest
Critical Mass Hungary
Bukarest csodás bicikliútjai. De mi is benne vagyunk, ha jól figyelsz… 🙂
Well, riders in Bucharest stopped taking these lanes seriously a long time ago. There are a lot more WTF moments related to bike paths here: 20cm. sidewalk drop at intersections, cars parked in the lane alongside two of the largest boulevards, publicity panels in the lane etc…
Most of the people I know, me included, just take the street and call it a day.
Haha, that’s fucking terrible. The bus stop in the bike lane is a classic photo that’s been posted here plenty of times, but you really need the video to understand just how fucked up this is.
Whose dumb-ass idea was this? Motorists, I’m guessing: „Get off mah road.”
OPTAR va publica in curand si reactia European Cyclists’ Federation